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Thought-Changing card kit for people who are depressed.
Year Published:
Thought-Changing card kits for people who self-injure....
Instant Help chart set (10 charts/CD-PDF)
55 Favorite Stories and Storytelling Techniques That...
55 Favorite Motivational Techniques That Make It Fun to...
55 Favorite Healing Activities for Children
You & Me Social Skills Collection...
Forms for Helping Children with O.C.D.
Year Published: 1998
Coping Skills Workbook: Teaches Kids Nine Essential...
Year Published: 1996
Jumpin' Jake Settles Down. (bk/CD/age5-10)
Forms for Helping the ADHD Child. (K-G6)
Self Control Patrol Workbook (age8-14/CD)
Don't Be Difficult workbook (age6-12)
What Did You Say? Game of Non-verbal Language (age6-12)
Help Kelly Bear Board Game. Age6-12
Balls: Social Skills Ball. (age12-18)
Dr Playwell's Communicatiing Feelings game
Kelly Bear - Building Character (ACD/29 songs/PreK-G4)
Year Published: 2003