Year Published: 2020
Product Code: WPS-703
Description: Quickly identifies developmental strengths and weaknesses in five key areas and offers suggested activities for remediation. The DP-4 retains the core elements of its predecessors while adding features that strengthen an instrument already considered the best of its kind. It is a powerful, quick, and cost-effective developmental test that can help you: - Quickly identify strengths and weaknesses - Compare development in different key areas - Plan intervention with item-by-item teaching activities - Determine eligibility for special education - Write IEP goals - Determine specific areas for further assessment - Monitor progress over time. New Features: - Expanded age range now covers birth to 21 years, 11 months; - Growth scores for progress monitoring; - Updated items reflect changes in society, technology, and culture; - Two new forms improve overall evaluation: Teacher Checklist and Clinician Rating Form.
Series: DP-4
Publisher: Western Psychological Services
Year Published: 2020
Qualifications: Level B
Grade: Age0-21.11
Format: KIT
Components: Print Manual; 25 Parent/Caregiver Interview Print Forms; 25 Teacher Print Checklists; 25 Parent/Caregiver Print Checklists; 5 Clinician Rating Print Forms
Keywords: assess developmental strengths and weaknesses;