Year Published: 2011
Product Code: 9780878226542
Description: Skillstreaming in Early Childhood employs a four-part training approach—modeling, role-playing, performance feedback, and generalization—to teach essential prosocial skills to preschool and kindergarten-age children. This book provides a complete description of the Skillstreaming program, with instructions for teaching 40 prosocial skills. Adaptable for a variety of situations, Skillstreaming is ideal for small group instruction for children who have common social needs. Often used by counselors and others, the Skillstreaming program is structured to be a targeted, social-emotional learning intervention. Specific Skillstreaming skills can also be taught in whole class sessions by counselors. The Skillstreaming program at every age level is designed to be easily implemented when conducted by a group leader who has experience in working with small groups. Training is also available for school districts and other organizations when Skillstreaming will be implemented through multiple practitioners. Skill Cards, Student Workbooks and Skill Posters reinforce the key objectives in the Skillstreaming program. However, it is essential to first have the program book before attempting to utilize other Skillstreaming products. For a wide range of early childhood learning programs and settings, Skillstreaming is a trusted and proven learning asset. Skillstreaming in Early Childhood Lesson Plans and Activities helps your pre-school or kindergarten program create a safe, productive learning experience while preventing school and behavioral failure and while also laying the foundation for education and life success. The scope of the Skillstreaming program was initially used as a strategy to remediate behavioral skill deficits in select groups of children. It is especially effective when combined with the daily behavioral practice of Lesson Plans and Activities. With its practical and practice-based approach, the Skillstreaming program’s popularity has broadened. It has become a widely accepted social-emotional strategy applied in preschools, daycare settings, public schools, and beyond.
Series: Skillstreaming
Author: Dr. Ellen McGinnis
Publisher: Research Press/ERS
Year Published: 2011
Keywords: social-emotional skills; education; child development psychology;