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Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level X (G5-12+/10-booklets)

Year Published:

Product Code: CT05501PSN


Description: This well-known test of critical thinking develops a clear picture of your students' critical thinking abilities. The Level X test can be used to teach critical thinking skills, to predict students' performance on your state proficiency exam, for honors/AP programs, critical thinking courses, college admissions, careers, and employment. This test has been used in curriculum and teaching experiments for appraisal of the critical thinking ability of a group and as criteria for program admission and employment. Level X is a 71-item, multiple choice test for students in Grades 5-12+. It may be administered as 50-minutes timed or as an untimed evaluation. This is a set of ten test booklets. The Level X test can be licensed for use in your own test administration software platform. Level X assesses: - Induction - Deduction - Credibility - Identification of Assumptions Level X and Z Administration Manual This manual contains administration and scoring information, norms, consistency, reliability, item analysis, and validity for Level X and Level Z tests.

Publisher: The Critical Thinking Co


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