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Reading Milestones - Level 2/Blue kit. 4e (TG; 10readers; 10student achievement records; Flash drive with reproducible PDFs of Workbooks; Spelling, and Word Cards)

Year Published:

Product Code: PE-13975


Description: Reading Milestones is the most popular reading program of its kind. This successful alternative, language-controlled program is designed to take readers to approximately a fifth grade reading level. It is especially effective for students with hearing impairments and language delays and is also widely used with others who have special language and reading needs, including individuals with learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, and English Language Learners (ELL).

Author: Stephen Quigley et al

Publisher: Pro-ed, Inc

Reading Level: G1.0

Components: Teacher’s Guide, a boxed set of 10 Readers, Reproducible Materials Flash Drive containing reproducible PDFs of Workbook activities, Spelling, and Word Cards, a 10-pack of Student Achievement Records, all in a sturdy storage box.

Keywords: Reading Milestones, Literacy

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GL Education
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