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New Kid Readers (4 titles/teens/graphic novels)

Year Published: 2006

Product Code: ATT-NK-02


Description: A four-graphic novel series that explores social issues facing teenagers Product Features: -Provides a wide range of illustrations and age-appropriate characters -Covers topics like insecurity, dating, bullying, and drinking and driving Engage students who are reluctant to read with these new comic book style readers. Four New Kid books follow a continuous narrative that explore many social issues facing teenagers: Insecurity, dating, drinking and driving and bullying, to name a few. Drawing from a wide range of visual cues, a full color palette and a contemporary vocabulary, author Mike Baron delivers a moving story full of true-to-life characters that is sure to attract struggling readers. The clear, contemporary illustrations help students with limited vocabulary understand the content.

Author: BARON, Mike

Publisher: Attainment Company

Year Published: 2006


Target: teens;

Keywords: teens;

Authorized reseller/distributor in Singapore for:

GL Education
Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR)
Speechmark Publishing Ltd
Super Duper Pub.
The Guidance Group
The Pencil Grip