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Source for Alzheimer's and Dementia

Year Published: 2000

Product Code: PE-31701


Description: These therapy activities and techniques help clients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) remain more alert, sociable, and communicative throughout the stages of the disease. Outcomes - Assess communication and reduce communication breakdowns in persons with mild to severe Alzheimer's and dementia - Implement strategies to manage memory, swallowing, communication, and social challenges - Form an Alzheimer's/dementia support group. Give families of persons with Alzheimer's disease and dementia accurate information, clear-cut assessments, and practical suggestions to aid in communication. The information is adaptable to persons residing in assisted living centers, skilled nursing facilities, or at home. Copy the client activity pages or print them out from the FREE CD. Features of the book are: - 80 pages of reproducible therapy materials including pictures for conversation topics, schedules, social reminders, and activities for daily living - suggestions for modifying the environment to keep the person with AD safe and oriented - therapy strategies such as memory aids and the use of errorless learning and spaced retrieval - guidelines for forming a caregiver support group with reproducible handouts.

Author: Reese, Pam Britton

Publisher: Linguisystems

Year Published: 2000


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