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Right Brained Addition & Subtraction Vol. 2 (Printed Book Only)

Year Published:

Product Code: CFP-RBAS


Description: Right Brained Addition & Subtraction Vol. 2 is an effective way to teach addition & subtraction for numbers larger than 10 - no matter how much children have struggled to remember math facts before. Right Brained Addition & Subtraction Vol. 2 strategically builds on Right-Brained Addition & Subtraction and all computation done in this book is based on the facts to ten, which the children already know! Very young students will easily master the concept of place value because this approach shows children the meaning of place value as they use manipulatives, act out the action in place value, and hear stories that explain what is happening. The need to memorize facts, count on fingers, carry, borrow are all things of the past. Color, story problems, action, patterning and fun math games - all these elements turn place value from dreaded to doable! Over 150 pages of reproducible resources (including answer keys and math worksheets) make lesson preparation easy for the teacher. By Sarah Major. 224 pages.

Author: Sarah Major

Publisher: Child 1st Publications

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